To Carb or not to Carb?
when I was a child I remember the food trend "Fat Free", yes every food was going or seem to be going fat free, why? Because Fat was the cause of our over-weight problem. Or was it? Well of course not, but that didn't change a great number of adults from buying fat free everything in hopes to take-off or keep-off those unwanted pounds. The sad things about the whole Fat Free craze, was that most the fat free foods were more unhealthy than the original. Good thing we got over that lie (for the most part) and moved on. Or did we?
companies are still making fat free and some people still believe fat makes you fat, but it doesn't have the momentum it had in the 80's, but there is a another belief that has stirred up a new diet craze. In the last decade we have demonized a new macro-nutrient, the carbohydrate. Yes the new make me fat macro-nutrient is the carb! Everywhere we go, we hear low carb, no carb, and a few others things I won't mention. I remember one diet that started in the late 90's and when I cared very little about what I ate or dieting, but what I did notice is a lot of friends and family members losing weight and attributing it to this specific diet.
What I also noticed is that they didn't look very healthy, they just looked thin. What, isn't thin healthy? NO! They looked as if they got sick and lost a bunch of weight; their skin just kinda hung off their body they looked tired and had little energy, but they were happy to be thin, so I was happy for them. The worse part of it, was that I can't remember one keeping the weight off, and most were heavier one to two years later, with a higher fat ratio than before. Well that was then, when I didn't know what a carb was, and this is now; when nutrition is a passion of mine and I not only know what a carb is I know that they are a crucial nutrient for our body, and Our bodies most preferred form of fuel. And since we were created by a God that makes no mistakes, I don't believe it's a coincidence that our bodies preferred fuel is carbohydrates. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that carbs are more important than fat, or protein, because they are all important. I believe in a right carb diet, I also believe in a right fat, right protein diet too. The biggest problem we have with carbs, is that we eat the wrong ones. We love the pre-packaged, highly processed junk food and sugary drinks. If were really looking to make a health a priority, this is where our carb cutting should be. One more thing about carbohydrates that we should take into consideration; Our brain also needs fuel and unlike our bodies that can use fat and protein for fuel if need be, our brain can only uses carbs.
I suggest getting your carbs from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, think of this way: Good carbs come with friends. Their friends are fiber , and protein, and bad carbs the carbs you should cut out is carbs that travel alone, like soda pop.
If you are on a low carb diet and it works for you, that's great, but most of us don't do so well and should stick to fueling with our bodies most preferred and our brains only source for fuel.
P.S. below is a couple links with great reads: Always follow those that use science, here are two of my favorites!
Precision Nutrition: